Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We made another trip to Schaake's Pumpkin Patch this year. We had a fun group that included: Papa, Nana, Aunt Julie, Aunt Jenny, Noah, Ted and myself. It was a great day to be outside and searching for the perfect pumpkins.

Noah enjoyed helping to clean out the pumpkins.

He had to check and make sure he got all of it out.

His costume this year was an Imagination Mover....he REALLY likes that show.

He was ready to go. We had a little neighborhood get-to-together before all the kids headed out to go trick-or-treating. The cutest part of the evening happened at our first house. They rang the doorbell and the lady came out with her bowl of candy. I looked at Noah and asked him what he was suppose to say. He looked back at the lady and started singing "Happy Birthday". It made us all laugh!!

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