Sunday, November 23, 2008

Official SuperHero

Here's is the official super Noah poster. He hates wearing clothes, and bibs for that matter. So he has converted all of his bibs into capes and you may spot him flying through your neighborhood rescuing helpless kitties and puppies....or that's what mom would have her superhero do. So be on the lookout...he's an undersized super hero.

KU GAME NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

Ted and I were able to get away to a KU game the other night while Nana Nina and Papa Ed watched Noah for us. The tickets were also given to us by them so we have many thanks to them. It was my second game in many many years....always a great time no matter who they play. Plus it was great the night we went because they were unveiling the championship of course I made sure bring my camera to catch every moment. Notice the two male heads in pic of the field house...those happen to be our friends Seth and Mark. The unveiling was very cool though a little on the loud side. Hey, I like loud but this was a little too loud.

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