Sunday, November 2, 2008


We took our furthest road trip ever with Noah at the end of October to go visit Aunt Christina and Uncle Slade up in Rochester, Minnesota. The trip takes about 6 1/2 hours so we knew this was going to be tricky as Noah doesn't like hanging out in his car seat for very long. Luckily, on the way up he slept most of the way and I tried to entertain him during his wake time. We stopped off in Bethany, MO for a food stop at a horribly busy McDonald's...yummm. Ted was tending to Noah and I went to grab some ketchup which I placed right in front of Noah. I was worried at the time of Ted drinking my soda with his germy mouth when BAM!!! Noah took his flyswatter arm and splattered ketchup guts all up his arm as well as all over DAD!! I tried to hold back my smirk but couldn't resist. Ted remained cool headed and went to wash himself off. So the trip was off to a great start!! We arrived in Rochester about 6 pm and had some wonderfully lumpy potato soup which was absolutely delicious!! Then Noah decided to attack me - making sure things were fair between mom and dad. Without giving me a warning Noah spit up all over my shirt and pants from his dinner of oatmeal and milk----score even between parents. Later that evening Nana Nina, Papa Ed and Aunt Julie showed up to enjoy the weekend. We toured around the hospital and just relaxed. The main reason for the trip was to celebrate Aunt Christina and Nana Nina's birthdays. Plus dad always loves to eat so we hit some of his favorite stops like Kingdom Buffet(chinese food) and Pizza Ranch. One of the pics is Noah holding his own cat on a just couldn't resist getting Noah started at the Chinese buffets!!! As the weekend came to an end we woke up on Sunday morning to find that it was about 35 degrees and snowing!!!! It was Noah's first snow!!!! We definitely couldn't wait to get back to Kansas to enjoy the warmer weather. It was a great trip and we enjoyed seeing everyone.

He has conquered many of firsts within the last few months. We don't have a pic to show but he has his bottom front teeth which he loves to show everyone by chewing on their fingers.

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